Aren’t Roman shades cool? You know the saying: “When in Rome… do as the Romans do.” But when you are in your own home, you want to do what feels right for you. What do you want? What do you need? Is there a healthy, happy way to combine your needs and your wants so that you feel just a bit spoiled for a while to come?
Pampering and self-care can and should extend into your home, and why not? Lovely Roman shades are a showstopper. They are a great way to have fun style in your home all day long whether or not you are looking for more or less light. This friendly approach can even be raised and lowered through cordless options such as motorization. This makes Roman shades pet and child safe as well as chic and stylish in your home.
If this sounds like what you need in your life a great way to take care of your window coverings in a stylish, quality way while at the same time honoring your family duties by choosing an option that is pet-friendly, child-friendly, and environmentally-friendly – well, then, what are you waiting for? Roman shades all the way with that drop-down gathering-in-perfect-pleats-in-the middle unless-you-need-full-coverage and then we’ve-got-your-back look.
Call us at Ashtons Blinds right away, and we’ll bring ALL of the samples you need right to you in your very own home so that you don’t have to guess how things would look. You’ll be able to envision your new Roman shades easily when you can see them in the exact room where they will be installed. We’ll have you over the moon with our excellent customer service at an exceptional price.