Entrepreneurs are a great part of the workforce, especially in small towns like Thornbury, Ontario, where female entrepreneurs make up over 80% of the small business owners located here. This unique setting has done more than just strengthen the small businesses of the area, but has been advantageous to the community and families who live here as well.
When you come to Thornbury, you will quickly find yourself a part of a tight-knit group of entrepreneurs who work in this town. Many of the women who own and run their businesses will tell you about when another entrepreneur took time from their day to help them start their new business, whether that was with rolling silverware or offering helpful advice on how to handle advertising. When you are part of this industry in the Thornbury area, you really have a unique and wonderful sense of partnership with business owners around you.
Karen James, owner of Ashtons Blinds, feels humbled that she is able to be part of such a great and collaborative community that celebrates entrepreneurial female businesses. She can feel the support of the community through her business as well as in her community endeavors, such as working with the children’s choir.
This sense of community spirit and togetherness approach are just some of the elements that make the entrepreneurs and small business community in Thornbury unique. Whether you live there or are just here for the weekend, you can sense there is real community spirit and pride. Here at Ashtons Blinds, we are proud to be a part of this community that we both work in and enjoy.
Read more about “The Women of Thornbury” in this Escarpment Magazine article, and if you have questions about our services or would like to hear more about the special place where we live, please contact us at Ashtons Blinds today!